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Showing posts from April, 2019

Week 16: 1 Samuel 9-15, Acts 6-12

Monday: 1 Sam. 8—A man who turned the age  There are 2 kinds of people in the world—those that want to make a difference and those that rest on the laurels of others. Some are happy to be a leaf that is carried by the current of a river, but others strive to be a rock that changes the course of a river. Romans 12:2 tells us that, as a believer, we should not be fashioned according to the age, but we should be transformed by the renewing of our mind. In other words, we need the mindset that our purpose on earth is not just to float on the river of this age as a leaf, but to make a difference, to change the world. In Acts 17, Paul’s gospel team was known as the “men who turned the world upside down.” Samuel was a man who turned the age. The people of Israel had been ruled by judges for 400 years. “Everyone did what was right in their own eyes” (Judges 21:25). The priesthood had failed. Change was needed. God called Samuel and Samuel rose to the occasion. God made Samuel the first p...

Week 15: Ruth 1-4, 1 Samuel 1-8, John 20-21, Acts 1-5

Monday: John 20—Doubting Thomas  Jesus was patient with Thomas. In John 11, when Jesus announced that He would go to Lazarus’ tomb, Thomas responded sarcastically, “Let us also go that we may die with Him.” Jesus ignored the comment and Thomas followed quietly. In John 14, when Jesus told them that they knew where He was going, Thomas interrupted in disagreement. Jesus patiently explained that He, Himself, was the way to the Father. Philip continued the questioning. Jesus patiently described the mystery of God being three, yet one, an answer that has helped believers for centuries. In John 20, it was Thomas again, this time raising doubts about Jesus’ resurrection. Jesus had come through the walls in His resurrected form and had breathed the Holy Spirit into the disciples. For some odd reason, Thomas missed the meeting and upon hearing the chatter of his friends, he was obstinate: “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, an...

Week 14: Judges 1-21, John 15-19

Monday: John 15—The Vine  In John 15, Jesus portrays our organic union with Him by using the metaphor of a vine. Verse 5 says, “I am the vine. You are the branches. Whoever abides in Me and I in him, he it is that bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Our relationship with Christ is not mechanical, such as a piston to an engine. We are living branches attached to Christ through life. An inorganic machine can do work; only life can produce fruit. Jesus tells us that as a branch, we simply need to abide in Him. Christ is already the vine and we are already the branches. We are not asked to become branches or to manufacture fruit. We are the branches and when we abide in this fact, we bear fruit. We spend too much effort trying to do good things apart from Christ and too much time worrying about the expression of fruit in our life. We tend to fret about our faults and plan steps for self-improvement. But, all attempts are futile. Apart from Christ, “we can do noth...

Week 13: Joshua 1-24, John 10-14

Monday: John 10—The Good Shepherd  Jesus is the good shepherd. The church is His sheep. In John 10, Jesus warns His sheep to watch out for 4 types of villains that kill and terrorize the sheep. Robbers and thieves sneak into the sheep fold by climbing over the wall. Robbers, such as those that left a man in the ditch half-dead in Jesus’ parable of the good Samaritan, come to prey on the sheep, through physical, financial, or spiritual abuse for their own pleasure and gain, leaving the sheep with permanent scars. Thieves (literally, petty thieves in Greek), steal the resources of the sheep, such as their time, money, kindness, and love and hoard their newfound riches as their personal treasury. These deceivers slip in among the saints like wolves in sheep clothing. Then there are the strangers. Jesus said that the sheep flee from the strangers because they do not know their voice. It reminds us of those that are full of hot air, quick to give their opinion or advice, even though t...